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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院


Saint Paul College is the most racially diverse college in the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities sy阀杆, 有65%的有色人种学生. 10个以上,000 full- and part-time students are attending Saint Paul College for a variety of reasons and at various stages in their lives.

Whether students are starting college for the first time or returning to enhance their 职业生涯 opportunities, mg电子试玩app的教育很适合他们的生活! 我们的大多数学生至少兼职工作. 许多人有家庭责任. They come from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. But all of them have found their place in the Saint Paul College community.

For more information about our students and our campus, please visit the following:


Every community owes its existence and vitality to generations from around the world who contributed their hopes, 梦想, 以及创造历史的能量,创造了这一刻. 有些人是被强行带到这里的, some were drawn to leave their distant homes in hope of a better life, and some have lived on this land for more generations than can be counted. Truth and acknowledgment are critical to building mutual respect and connection across all barriers of heritage and difference.

We begin this effort to acknowledge what has been buried by honoring the truth.

We are on the ancestral lands of the Dakota and Ojibwe (Anishinaabe) People. 我们向他们过去和现在的长辈致敬. Please take a moment to consider the many legacies of violence, 位移, 迁移, 以及今天让我们聚在一起的解决方案. 请和我们一起揭开这些真相.

改编自 U.S. 艺术与文化学系


2020年夏天, following the murder of George Floyd while also navigating the global Coronavirus Pandemic, Covid - 19, Saint Paul College made the commitment to become an anti-racist, trauma-informed机构. 反种族主义、创伤知识哲学包括

识别, 防止和消除我们社会结构中的种族主义, 政策, practices and attitudes while collectively supporting a culture of safety, 信任, 赋权, 合作与选择.

Workshops, Trainings and Professional Development Opportunities

The diversity of Saint Paul College is one of the school’s greatest strengths. 为了促进公平, inclusion and social justice the College is committed to providing opportunities for faculty, 教职员及学生 to be continuously engaged in experiences that increase cultural competency.

股权培训系列 - Saint Paul College developed the 股本 Training series. The 股本 Training series is composed of 7 workshops providing faculty and staff with opportunities to engage in conversations around the intersections of race, 性别, 性, 能力, 宗教/灵性和阶级.

设计公平 - 股本 by Design is a Minnesota State sy阀杆-wide program to increase equitable outcomes in our classrooms. 在mg电子试玩app, it takes the form of a 9-week faculty cohort facilitated jointly by The Vice President of Diversity, 股本, and Inclusion and Academic Effectiveness and Innovation (AEI) staff.


  • Reflect on their own culture and how it influences instruction.
  • Increase their use of data through a unique 股本 Dashboard.
  • Identify the fundamentals of Culturally Responsive Teaching.
  • Create a plan to apply these new teaching principles to their courses and measure the impact.

心理健康急救 - 心理健康急救 provides strategies to help individuals in crisis and non-crisis situations. 支持我们成为反种族主义者的承诺, trauma-informed机构, Saint Paul College faculty and staff will provide 心理健康急救 training for College employees.

安全地带培训 - Safe Zone trainings are opportunities to learn about LGBTQ+ identities, 性别与性, 并审视偏见, 假设, 和特权.

Throughout the academic year additional workshops and events will be offered to support increasing the cultural competency of faculty, 教职员及学生.

社会正义读书会 – The 社会正义读书会 provides opportunities for the College community to participate in conversations addressing social justice through literature.


Saint Paul College supports the development and retention of faculty and staff. Affinity or Employee Resource groups promote employee retention through providing opportunities to build community, mentoring and encouraging personal and professional growth through shared experiences.


  • 有色人种教职员工
  • 有色人种指导计划的教员
  • 白人同盟组织

除了mg电子试玩app亲密团体, the College also supports participation in state-wide employee resource groups.


有色人种雇员ERG (POCI)




了解更多关于多样性的信息, 股本, mg电子试玩app的包容与社会正义, 请联系 DEI@rnrbuilders.com

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